Meet J-Beauty Curation Team! Interview with Cosme Hunt Team!
Posted on February 27 2020
Meet J-Beauty Curation Team! Interview with Cosme Hunt Team
Have you ever wondered what it is like to work at Cosme Hunt? We noticed that we don’t have an article properly introducing ourselves. I, myself just joined the team, but I’ve already experienced and learned so many new things. Today, I want to give you an insight on what kind of company Cosme Hunt is, what it is like working here, and our goals and values through an interview I did on some of the team members. The Cosme Hunt team consists of various roles and positions, making it a unique and interesting experience for everyone. You might find that our team members are located in different parts of the world. Perhaps some positions spark interest in you!
Before we get started, I want to introduce myself first. I am Momone, and a part of the media team for Cosme Hunt. I basically manage social media and occasionally write articles. I have lived in Canada for over 5 years, so it was always interesting to see the different beauty standards and trends in the Western countries and Japan. As I said, I am relatively new to the company but I have really enjoyed the experience so far, and would like to share these appealing factors with you.
Maria: Marketing and Project Manager
The first person I interviewed is Maria, the marketing and project manager based in San Francisco.
I always like to start off by asking what the best part is about working at Cosme Hunt. She responded that as a project manager, it is always very rewarding when she is able to complete the projects successfully. It can be busy and tough to plan and execute the plan, but the marketer plays a huge role in the company’s future growth so moments of achievement are very pleasurable for Maria. She also stated that since the word “J-beauty” is a fairly new word that many are unfamiliar with ( in contrast to “K-beauty”), it is very motivating to hear “I like Japanese cosmetics”, or “ I shopped at Cosme Hunt!”.
When asked what her motivation is, she answered that she has a certain goal image of herself and Cosme Hunt helps her get closer to the image. Also, she said “ after all, my job at Cosme Hunt is more fun than anything.”
I was also curious about memorable, unique experiences she got to experience through Cosme Hunt. Maria said that there are plenty of them, but being able to attend beauty events in San Francisco is enjoyable for her. The other day, she got to attend a clean beauty event and learn about different North American beauty brands that she did not know about.
Lastly, I asked her what kind of team she wants to build, and what kind of team members she is looking for. She says that she doesn’t really have one particular image of team that she aims to create. However, she wants to build a diverse team that can keep stimulating and motivating each other. It is also important as a member to understand what you want to do, and what you want to learn through Cosme Hunt rather than having special skills. Lastly, be passionate about beauty!
Sia: UI/UX Visual Designer
Next, I interviewed Sia, who is in charge of the visual aspect of Cosme Hunt, such as designing the website. She is based in San Francisco.
I started off by asking, “What do you enjoy the most about working at Cosme Hunt?” She gave a very detailed answer; “During the time at Cosme Hunt, I was able to learn so much about the Japanese beauty industry and the community. I was always into the Korean beauty regime but after I joined Cosme Hunt, I was able to know more about the hidden beauty secrets from Japan. As you can see from the culture, food, and quality of products, Japan cares a lot about the quality rather than the quantity. As a millennial, I want to find products that need minimum effort but have maximum impact on my skin, especially when I rather spend my time on something more productive than 1 hour of daily skincare needs. Japan is known for their top-notch quality in products and presentation, therefore I believe that the beauty industry can highly benefit from J-beauty’s expansion into the west. I definitely benefited so much from the experience and I hope that everyone is able to learn more about the beauty products from Japan.”
I also asked her about the aesthetic vibe Cosme Hunt is aiming for. Sia responded that Cosme Hunt hopes to attract millennials who value cruelty-free, clean and organic products by using clean, simple but sophisticated designs. She includes cherry blossoms and tropical flowers to represent both the west and the east. Since Cosme Hunt is based in San Francisco, she tries to incorporate tropical flowers and beachy designs to add color and wonder of life to the Cosme Hunt customers. She also mentions how minimalism is big in Japan like Marie Condo’s “Does it spark joy?”. She hopes to spread Japanese beauty’s simple, pure way to heal the skin/body from the core.
Lastly, I asked her what she wants the audience to gain from the website. Sia wrapped it up neatly saying “Japan has a deep rich culture that you must find and explore. Just like treasure hunting. Cosme Hunt is the map to those beauty products. Hope you can benefit from Japanese beauty just like I did.”
Mayan: Editor in Cheif
The editor in chief, Mayan manages the media, who is based in Tokyo, Japan.
When asked what her favorite part about working at Cosme Hunt is, she responded that she enjoys taking part of her daily life and transforming into something new to someone else. This is also why she said it is too difficult to describe the media team in one word. The team is constantly evolving and changing. She appreciates how the team positively participates, by asking questions and thanking the other members.
Since she is very familiar with Japanese beauty products, I also asked her to tell us what is so attractive about Japanese cosmetics. She answered “Even under the same beauty industry, there are ‘puchi-pura (low price)’ and ‘department cosmetics’ (which are more on the high-end), and other various types of products that you can have fun with. There are new products constantly coming out, keeping the motivation up. Additionally, Japanese cosmetics are really particular on the looks, creating appealing packaging.”
Mayuko: Writer
As a writer, it was also interesting to interview Mayuko, another writer for Cosme Hunt. She is based in Seattle.
I started off by asking what her favorite part of working as a writer is. She said that by being a writer, she is able to gain the latest information and trends while writing about what she loves. She also mentioned how she is able to organize her thoughts and become more familiar with the topic. As a result, she is able to gain researching skills and improve organizing her ideas, which has helped her improve work skills and step up her career. She wants to write articles that are easy to read and understand, while attracting the readers, which she finds both rewarding and difficult at the same time.
I was also curious how she always finds inspiration for her articles. As another writer, this is something that I struggle with, finding ideas, topics, and inspirations, either for articles or social media posts. She said “For me, I get inspired by my own daily problems and questions, or when I am chatting with my friends and family. When writing about things that I am genuinely curious about, it raises another question, which gets me going. I enjoy that.”
She ended off by saying that Cosme Hunt provides a platform where she can freely express her interest and thoughts. She said she is always able to write her honest thoughts because Cosme Hunt provides high-quality products that she actually enjoys using.
Look Ahead
As you can see, numerous roles and duties make up the Cosme Hunt team. Were you able to get a better idea of Cosme Hunt as a company and the people who work there? Since Cosme Hunt is relatively a new company, we are still growing and improving every day. That is also why I think it is such a rewarding experience. We, as a team, all learn and improve together to create a better service. We hope to continue spreading the charm of Japanese beauty, while also sharing tips, trends, and the latest news about the beauty industry.
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Momone Goto
Basically manages social media and occasionally writes articles at Cosme Hunt. I have lived in Canada for over 5 years, so it was always interesting to see the different beauty standards and trends in the Western countries and Japan.