3 Big Tips for At-Home Hair Care
Posted on July 22 2020
Happy summer, Cosme Hunters! Whether you’ve been having safe fun in the sun or staying comfy at home waiting for things to clear up with the virus, I have got an article for you!
One thing is for sure no matter what stage of life you are in right now- it is absolutely hard to take care of our hair! What used to be a day to day luxury has become a very complicated and risky problem. Because of the variety of situations your area could be having right now, I’m not saying we all run out to the salon- and I’m not saying it’s time for at-home haircuts, but rather we have to learn some at-home haircare!
Let's talk haircare
Many people are in the same boat right now- the dry shampoo has run out, we can’t get our favorite conditioner online and our careful styling has begun to grow into a tangled mess! But don’t stress. There’s a whole world of things to learn online in order to make the most of this tricky time for hair.
Today, I came up with three big tips that have been helping me tons. My hair’s way too long, my roots are taking over and I’m super busy with Zoom calls, but with smart and simple tricks I think we can all keep having fun with our hair.
#1- Time Saving Tricks
One of the strangest things about lockdown has been that my hair is way, way longer and thicker than it has ever been, and if you’re like me, it’s a very new world having to take so much extra time to shampoo and condition. Considering the huge stress of working from home and trying to balance all of life at once, it can be tempting to rush or hurry.
If you’re worried about taking the time to care for your new longer hair, worry no more! It’s time to reconsider 2-in-1 shampoo type products, because you’d be surprised by the sort of hair care you can do yourself at-home with the right product.
Enter Saborino’s Treatment In Shampoo. This wonder product uses natural ingredients to provide five whole entire functions for your hair, including shampoo, conditioner and fast-drying. Using a product that’s light from natural ingredients and rich in nutrients can be an incredible way to give your hair some extra care when you just don’t have the time.
Comes in Smooth, Moist and Rich Moist / Available at Cosme Hunt
Beyond that, there’s plenty of good ways to mix different kinds of treatments in with shampoo and it may just take some research to find a kind that works for you! It may take trial and error, but if you find something that works great, you’ll be saving time forever.
#2- Hair Color At Home
Now if you color your hair or bleach it for a nice blonde shade like I do, you’re used to pretty high effort for upkeep. However, usually you’ve got a stylist helping you out with that too, so at home, what do you do?
My second major tip is to make a coloring plan for yourself. Not everyone can keep up their own color (I would explode trying to take the color out of my own roots) but sometimes putting in the research for just one product or one trick can go a long way.
Because we aren’t all licensed hairdressers, it’s important to contact your hairdresser and get serious personalized advice for your own hair. They may not be taking appointments, but who knows! Maybe your stylist would love to give you some tips for products.
Every hair is different, but my very favorite product is my toner shampoo my stylist recommended. Since I’m a blonde, I need an ultra-violet purple shampoo to keep the yellowy colors out of my platinum. If you’ve talked to your stylist and want toner shampoo too, let me recommend the super-popular J-Beauty brand Calatas that features natural ingredients and heat protection!
There’s tons of different toners for different hair colors though, so don’t sweat it if you don’t see yours listed there. Just look around haircare selections or toning shampoo collections and find whatever your stylist recommends!
#3- Moisture and Conditioner
Now we arrive at the final point, and while perhaps not the most mind-blowing, how important is taking care of the basics? We’re not going out, we’re not looking in mirrors, and it can be really easy to not notice when our hair starts to get frizzy or tired looking indoors.
Air at home is much drier than outdoors, which you’ve probably already noticed causing your skin and hair to need a little more care than normal. It’s more than likely you’re noticing drier hair than normal this summer just due to this, so while thinking about conditioner for hair care consider moisturizer too.
$28.00 USD / Available at Cosme Hunt
&Honey offers a deep and rich moisture treatment that takes special advantage of the power of honey! So if you’re looking for a little extra care for your tired or withered hair, consider a nice, natural and light moisturizer like this one here.
Cosmeist describes the multiple strengths the line offers, in addition to some fun facts- while most shampoo provides moisture levels of 10-12%, this product can offer 14%! I thought it was especially neat that the product blends three kinds of honey from New Zealand, Hungary and Japan.
That’s all for today! Look forward to more fun articles from our team, and do something fun for yourself in the meantime!
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Arya Arsenault
Studies Japanese language and culture at the University of Massachusetts. Loves Japan’s pop culture and learning about its trends!